Wie immer in den letzten Jahren, können auch diesmal die Aleph-Anwender mitbestimmen, welche Änderungen in die nächste Version der Software Einzug finden sollen. Die internationale Ex Libris-Anwendergruppe IGeLU ruft daher ihre Mitglieder zur aktiven Mitgestaltung an Aleph Version 21 auf. Details dazu im folgenden Mail von Gerard Bennett (Coordinator IGeLU Aleph Product Working Group):
***** As previously announced the 1st round of voting on Aleph enhancements will commence Monday 11th May. However we have extended the voting period by an extra week. Voting will now close first thing on Monday 25th May. The number of votable requests is quite large this time, and deciding among them will take more time – hence the extension.
And also as previously noted: Make sure that you can access the DB before the voting starts (though you will not be able to place any votes until the 11th May) and also check through the ‘votable’ status requests to decide which ones your institution would like to vote on.
Each institution will have 100 votes for its preferred enhancements. For further information regarding the enhancements process go to the IGeLU website here:
and you can view the ‘Votable’ requests now by doing a search with Request STATUS ‘votable’.
As stated on the IGeLU web: You will need the ICAU username/password to access the database. This is different to the one you use to login to the IGeLU website. For any problems with access to the database, please contact Emanuela Pisanu pisanue@unisi.it, with a copy to Duccio Di Blasi, duccio@asb.unisi.it.
Gerard Bennett IGeLU Aleph Product Working Group Co-ordinator University of Westminster, London email: G.J.Bennett@westminster.ac.uk tel: +44 207 911 5147